Saturday, May 25, 2013

母亲节的日子就这样的过了~我带着高兴的心情上班去。在工作的地方也没什么特别的事情可以写,那么我就不花那么多时间写关于我工作的事了~ 这一个发布 主要是 讲 我收到我在网上订做的 Cosplay ! =)

好兴奋 ! 我等了一个多月,终于给我等到了!回到家,我跑去我房间,把那包裹给开了 ~ 里面有假发,有天使的翅膀,有发夹 等等 . . . . . . 我开了另外一盒箱,看到了服装。动了那服装的布料,感到有点失望 ~ 不是有点,是很失望!摸起来就知道根本不是用布来制造的,而是 PVC 的感觉 ~ 不容易照顾,而且很容易自己裂 ~

* 算了 !下次订做 先要问是用什么布料来制造的 ! *


Happy Mother's Day

        好久没上来更新我的部落各了,也不知道该从何起~ 那么我就说说母亲节吧。说实话,我没想过要弄东西给她的。但是有想过用我赚来的钱,带妈妈去豪华餐厅吃早餐 或者是 买一条项链 (RM500以上)送给她,但没有时间,也对餐厅不太熟悉 ~

        就这样,在母亲节的前一晚,我拿出了好多好多的颜色纸,拿出了手机 为了上网查看如何折纸花。找了又找,终于找到我想学做的纸花送给她。一边看一边做,有时还会想 我到底会不会成功呢?我会不会 学会呢 ? 就这样子,4小时就过了 ~ 已经凌晨4点了。虽然我心里想做4种不同折法的纸花,但是学到了3种已经不错了。好想再继续的折,可是我等下还有工作,况且 我的颜色纸 已经给我用光了。就没办法,带着半完成的心情入睡 ~
Cube Rose
        等到了早上,跟家人吃了早餐后 ~ 回到家~ 我直接拿了我工作包包,和足够的钱,然后跟她说今天我有一位同事需要早回家庆祝母亲节 ,所以我需要代替他。就这样子,我就出门了。

        笑着地问我 :你怎么今天也那么的早来啊?      (但是才中午2点,而我是4点开工)

        我就微笑的回复 :我来这里做我的东西,不想回家被她发现 ~

        做了一朵玫瑰花,竟然花了我半小时的时间 ! 哇 ! 要是做20朵,不就要花我10小时?
而且也不能一直顾着做,也需要招待客人,休息,吃饭 ~

        到了晚上,我也只做好7多玫瑰花。说实话,要做20朵 ~给我是不可能的事,何况今天就是母亲节了。我必需放工了,回到家 ~ 第一件事就是把礼物偷偷的放在她的床边。更希望她会喜欢我这份亲手弄的纸花给她。

        一天过了,两天过了,她什么都没说 ................直到 有一天,我走去她的房间 ~ 才发现到,我送给她的母亲节礼物旁边 多了一份礼物和卡片 ! 嘻嘻  ! 是我姐姐送给她的 xoxo ... 好美丽的花呢!跟我的相比,感觉我的好幼稚。算了,至少我有尽心尽力了 ~ :)

我不是一位喜欢花好多钱来买份礼物还是请吃,为了庆祝某节日。给我呢,不管那份礼物是用多么多的钱来买,还是才值那么的几块钱。最主要的是,只要你有那个心意就可以了!所以呢~每年的母亲节,我送给我妈咪的礼物都是手工的 ;)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Hottest Update

Early morning, I took out my handphone and checked the lasted updates on Facebook.
About the voting on the 505 and the result too.
Unfortunately, BN had won 133seats in the Parliment ; Where else the OPP n IND won a total of 89seats.

So, congratulations to BN (Barisan Nasional) .

And then, I saw someone sharing's Hui Mei ( AEC 主持人) photo about the voting comparison  in the year of 2008 and year of 2013. About, she found out she don't know how to calculate anymore.


When I view Facebook deeper and deeper,
I found out there was actually a blackout during the recounts of votes yesterday midnight.
But what really happening, I wont tell you. Just see the pictures I posted down there. . .
A picture tells a thousand words *

In the other hand, the ''dirty tricks'' that used on the 13rd election by someone had spread all over the world by different countries newspaper.
How incredible that people from other countries knows about the all kinds 'dirty tricks' used by someone, but whether is the truth or not, I can't tell nor confirm. 

Firstly, from Taiwan's Newspaper.
Secondly, is from Hong Kong's Newspaper.
Thirdly and lastly , this one don't know from where.

Ok, so BN had won . 
Najib Razak had posted a post on his page.

''Is time for us to put aside all the differences in politic and work together to improve and for the sake of our Malaysia that we loved.''

But . . . . . . 

I saw some of the BN supporters saying :

  • BN menang selamatkan org melayu.
  • BN menang , telah selamatkan tanah melayu, duit melayu, dan orang melayu. 
  • Baliklah kamu cina kpd ngr China.
All just wrote about Malays Malays Malays. Malaysia is their land, their property ! Only Malays can stay here, and Chinese and Indian got to get out from here !

What kind of nonsense is this ?

'Dear Najib' is this the so called ''1 Malaysia'' you had in mind ? That you spent so much money to ask a person to help you think out that title.

But in the end, Malays only think about themselves and not about us, as in (Chinese, Indian, Malays) !
Don't just talk there saying  put aside the differences of politic  and work together.
You tell me , how can / could we work together when Malays only thinking about Malays themselves ?

To me, this is worse than 50years ago ! Where Chinese, Indian and Malays do actually work together, fight together, eat together, laugh together, helping each other. They don't even need police to substain the peace and harmony.

Comparing to now a days, 
Malays killing Chinese ? Chinese and Indian fighting among each others ? Police didn't really take any action . 
Is this the 1Malaysia you had in mind ? !

Sunday, May 5, 2013


今天是5月5 换政府 ~ 大家今早都投票了吧?
为了将来 为了下一代,你们投出去的那宝贵的一票,投给对的人吗?
我今天没跟家人一起回家乡看他们投票。因为难得得到一天的休息,结果 被吵醒了4次!
就看到他们的车子刚从家 而去 ~ 有点被炸倒的感觉 !
竟然都叫了我四次,但是没有那个耐心等我清洗 . . . 这样子,干脆别吵我了。
就这样,我就趴回床上睡觉。半睡觉 半上面子书的我,看到了好多照片和录影片~
都是 手指照片还有 的录影 ~

在这个大选原本就是要公平的争,但是 [它] 害怕赢不了 就用了一些 .*.*.*.*.的 *.* ~

  1. ”       ;
  2. 幽灵”   。
 - 指的是不是大马公民的人在5月5号 投票 (外劳)。
幽灵 - 指的是不知名的票 没人投 会自动 加进去 。

和  幽灵 都有同一个共同点,也就是投给 [它] ~ 而这些都是 [它] 拿手的绝活 !
[它] 会赢也都不是钱 的关系!

我还看到了!有几个 ‘鬼’ 还投票了 1次以上,警方都没抓到他们。
奇怪的是,那些 鬼 怎样投多过 1次 以上呢 ?

还有很多很多,我也不多说 ~~~~~ 太多了,记不起来,也没眼看那么卑鄙的事
真的 因   而提我们的国家感到羞耻 !
就连 台湾 香港 新加坡 都有 ‘鬼’ 的新闻 ~~~ 

现在是晚上了,全部人都应该做在电视前面或者电脑前面 看着谁赢?
我也很想看,但是听他们报告 都听到头晕晕的 ~ 
眼睛似乎 看不到,模糊湖的 ~ 可能今天睡太多了 . . .

一边公布投票的 新闻,外面就大乱 !尤其是 Selangor 的地区


  • Subang, usj
  • Kota Kemuning
  • Sunway
  • Selayang . . . . . . 等等
在那里的人,最好快点回家!因为  [它]的支持人现在在聚会准备暴乱!
吧生 的  Pandamara 现在开始打架了,拿到砍人 ! 大家请小心!

另外 ! 女生 一定要小心!不要单独出门,一定要有很多很多人陪着你出去!

也有绯闻说,如果 [它] 这次没有赢  就会叫 孟加拉人 出去搞女子(强奸)!尤其是华人女子

Thursday, May 2, 2013

'The Bullshit Lady'

So, here it goes . . .
A foreigner girl order a snow ice to eat , and I make for her without knowing whose the parents.
After half an hour , the girl asked me a instant noodles,

The girl : Is this spicy ?
Me : No, is not spicy. Is salty .
The girl : Mummy is not spicy .

She came with her mother and a maid following them.
When came to payment, I am the one who doing the cashier.
I scanned the price tag for every items they bought.
Madam, your total is RM24.60 .
She looks like Chinese, she is a Chinese. So she married to a foreigner.
She took out her purse from her handbag and gave me exactly RM24.60
When she was taking out coins, then she saw a memo under a transparent glass.

The lady said : How come I never know there's such thing as a member card ? I came here often cause I stay close by here.

Jean-V : Madam, do you want to buy another thing to reach RM30 then you can apply for a member card with another addition of RM5.

The lady : NO ! There's nothing I want to buy. Last time I came here, did bought RM80 or RM90 and above for few times, and the worker did not tell me anything about the member card or wanted to join one?!

* So, what the lady wanted was, getting a free member card without buying at least RM30 and above and also without paying addition of RM5. *

Me : Jean, call the manager . Call her now !

While Jean was trying to get to the manager. The lady told me about some stupid story about a restaurant she and her family went, and spent about RM1000+ for the pass one and a half year. The last time they make the payment, a servant girl stamped a chop on the bill ............* forgot jor *

In the end, the lady said, she never step into that restaurant ever.

When she was telling me that story, about how much she spent. . . I was like , so little you spent on that restaurant in a year and half ? And, you dare to say it to me ?! It wasn't like RM5k or above.

I talked to the manager, and the manager told me that, what we could only do was apologize for the pass.
And we could not give her the member card as free, when I gave her the suggestion of 'giving the lady free member card' . Cause I knew what she after.

Me : Sorry Madam. The manager said you still have to follow the regulation.
The Lady : Your manager BULLSHIT !!

She put her purse inside her handbag, and went out the shop . . . *

After the customer had gone, Jean told me about that lady.
She's a trouble maker, and likes to find things to argue . . . !
Every time she came, she will ask whether there's discount for that particle items.
She did not buy the blanket that she asked for a discount.
And after a few days, she went to the Taipan's shop asked the same question (discount for that blanket).

Before I started working here, Jean saw her a few times, and she never bought things over RM30.

*Jean added : Her husband was a kind person, and also her daughter. Totally opposite from that lady ! == *

So whether to believe her story, or whatever. I just hoping that I will never see her again ! I don't welcome a  trouble maker like her into the shop, and also serve her with a smile and then got scolded or humiliated.

Shit Shit Shit  xD

Hello May

Aaaahhhh......... !

I should be writing this post yesterday to farewell the month of April and welcoming the month of May.
But is not be too late, for me to post it on the 2nd of May :D

OK ! Yesterday was 1st of May, which also known as a Labour Day.
An annual holiday which celebrate the achievements of workers . . . 
IF , you are working on that day , you'll get double pay $$
So, yeah ! I did work yesterday with my colleague (Jean-V) . . . 
I arrived the shop at 9:45am , since is the 1st day of the month , 
I was hoping Ms. Loke will come to collect our cards . . .
But after waiting for the whole morning, and afternoon, and also evening, she did not came.
We were so frustrated, whether can we get our salary in time ?

When we are about to lost our hope for Ms. Loke.
A guy came in, and asked for the cards. It was Ms. Loke hubby, who came.
I'm glad that him came ! Cause, if it was Loke, she might or might not lecture us . . .
Due to something happened in the evening ......... ~ Some 'Bullshit Lady' came ........ ~

Find out what happened in the evening, on my next post ' The Bullshit Lady' ....

* Here is the last pictures I took in April *

Sleepy~ Sleepy. That's why there's no smile.