Wednesday, February 15, 2012


:Dedicate To My Cousin:

Dear cousin, I know you had a hard time to continue your life after your another half partner left you. For me, you are just like the candle under the wind. Although I and you was not that close, but you will always related to me, you will also the 2nd brother to me. Although I never really spoke to you, but deep inside my heart, I wanted to say hi to you. Every time I go and visit, I will be seeing you lying on the chair either sleeping or watching television. I always wondering what are you thinking? Are you still thinking of your wife? Are you alright? It must be harsh to be alone or maybe not?, by seeing others having their other half partner. It may reminds you of your wife. On Saturday, when my mother told me about your accident, I'm really depress to heard that 60% of your brain are dead. Later on, I felt pitiful towards you. About your marriage and also the accident. Why do you had a tough life? On the other hand, I felt release. Cause 40% of your brain are still alive. So that you might won't be remember your wife that leaves you few years ago.

Today, after my school activities ended. My mother told me that you passed away at 10am+. People usually sad when they heard it. But I'm different~ Way different. I was almost no expression at all and a bit happy for you. Maybe some of you will think I'm a heartless person or anything else. But, it also a good thing. He doesn't need to surfer anymore. From the 40% brain that are left or even maybe from coma? Who knows! All I can say that, Rest In Peace.. Be safely with your prayers.. And hopefully had a better luck/living in your next life. I will always remembers you. You will always in the memorable of the Khoo's family. If there's a chance to meet/know you in the next life. Yes, I will appreciate the chances that I have, to speak to you. Even just a HI.
