Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I had seen people posting video in public of her boyfriend private conversation with other unknown girls.
Yes, I know it's hurt when your boyfriend did something like this,
not for once or twice but for the fourth times, and you gave him clue and warning before.
Well, is not good to do that at all! What benefits you, posting things like that?
Yes! You're hurt, and that's what things 'girls' does. But I do not agree on that!
A mature girl and who know how to think will take it wisely and clam,
but a childish and immature girl will only act something like that.

I had seen people saying bad about someone and yet do not want to admit.
Hey come on! Trying to denied on something you had said before or trying to act innocent and good girl?
Stop those acting and craps. Why don't you just accept those truth that you had said before?
Is it that hard to do so? Even and celebrities can face this kind of things and accept it even though they will lose fans and their reputation will drop. But you, you got nothing to lose!
Be a responsible person! Please.. The world will be much better place if everyone is responsible.

I had seen people using bad / rough words when trying to defend or scolding people.
Yeah, well, I'm used to be one of them who using bad / rough words, but I'm trying to control it, to be a better person. And is feel so much peaceful and harmony getting away from using those words.
It feel so good, and yet people are still using it. Is like a drugs! Which will be addicted to it easily.
Whats the points on using those word? 
Do you think it will make you tough just by using those words?
Do you think it will help you win in a debate or conversation? 
No! It wont!
Maybe some how you can make people to back off and kept quiet. It doesn't mean you won!
From what I see (my opinion),
A person who fall backs and lose in a convo because the opponent used those words is a winner,
but a person who won the convo by using those words is a loser deep inside. That person lose to it own for controlled by those words.


Something to add on:
You don't have to tagged someone's name just to let him / she to see others peoples comment. He / She stopped commenting doesn't mean he / she lost , but he / she knew that it wont go any further and it will make things worse if he / she continue. That's the kind of person we need! That's the kind of person who thinks! That's the kind of person who will be able to lead us to a better future!

Some of you might not be totally agree on what I said, but this just my opinion.
Thank You.

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