Saturday, May 12, 2012

Orientation with the new comers (LF6)

Today we Upper Form6 (UF6) were having an orientation with those new incomers Lower Form6 (LF6).
The aim is to bond together and know each other more.
1st we sang the school song which is ordered by the form6 teacher who is in charge.
Then she wanted us to sang it the 2nd time.
But we do well in it. Better than we sing during assembly.

The upper form6 was divided into 12groups which is 1-12.
We lined up and waiting for the LF6 to be divided too.
After finish dividing, we walked in a line by line to take our free breakfast and drinks.

Later then, we played a few games. Actually the 1st games is more for lower6.
They got to find their subjects teacher for signature.
But, b4 they can get it.. They got to answer the question given by the teacher.
The 2nd game will be Untangle.
We suppose to stand in a circle and cross our hands.
Then we hold the hand of the opposite side, and another is 2ppl away from us.
After that, we got to try to untangle ourselves back into a circle without letting go the hands.
That's tough! My group just done with holding hands and another group had untangle themselves. 
So we played cheat xD We just let go, and cheer.......!

The third game will be catch the runner.
Is also the same, stand in a circle holding each others hand.
There will be a few runner and we got to catch it!
Is like a team work game. xD
And I'm standing between 2guys. One cute zai one my left and a friend on my right.
The left one hold my hand so tightly. Like scare to let go. >< Gosh, I'm shy.

The last game will be the Chestnut. Is a Japanese game/dance.
There are total of  8steps to remember.
My group people really confuse and blur.
Except for the upper form6.
We practices and practices, hope we will do well.
Cause the last 3group getting the lowest marks will be punished.

Guess what! YEAH! My team is one of the less marks. >
The punishment will be.......... Given a post to the whole group.
And we got to post it at the count of 3 and smile at the camera man.
1, 2, 3..... Say CHEESE! *Cheese*

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