Sunday, March 31, 2013

Perm Eyelashes

Yesterday I had a good time hanging out with my sister and her friends, although I didn't talk much.
Cause I don't really like to talk, unless someone ask me a question.
If not, I will be silent till you don't even know I'm there.
We went to perm our eyelashes for free, that my sister had coupons for five person.
And one of her friend could not make it, so I'm just a replacement.

It located at the third floor, don't know which area.
When we reach there, we were deciding whether to walk the stairs or take the lift.
But most of us pick the lift. And luckily we make the right decisions.
Cause when the lift opens at the third floor, we saw the gate of the stairs were locked.
So, imagine if we took the staircase till the third floor and found out it was lock.
Then we got to go back to the second floor and take the lift to one floor up.

We went into the shops, and the first thing I realize was that, the whole shop is painted with purple and pink.
Their uniforms were purple too. So I guess they really like purple?
Or they just wanted to paint a sweet color just to suit the environment.
Since is doing those thing like manicure, facial, waxing, spa. Mostly for girls . . . . . .
They gave us some papers to fill in our data, and 3 out of 5 went in to the room to have the perm first.

The perm took about 40minutes.
Along the process, I felt my eyes lid was a bit pain. Like there's needle poking it.
But I did not complain / tell to the person who's perming for me.
Normally, I will not say anything all through the process even it is painful, unless they open their mouth to ask first.
How they do it, or how does perming eyelashes feels like? I don't really know how or how to explain.
But those who ever curious about it, could go to Youtube search it. They got few videos of it.

After the 40minutes . . . They will take of the sticky thing, and wipe of the glue.
Then :

she asked : Do you feel your eyes pain ? Or having the feel of spicy feeling?
me : *thinking. This was the 1st time doing. So were you talking about the eyeball or the eye lid? *

I wasn't sure, and yet I did not ask her to make it clear.

So I just replied : Nope.

I came out from the room and I saw my sister and few of her friend had sat outside.
I was wondering, wow ! You guys are fast. How come I'm so slow?

Then I asked my sister, does her eyelid felt a bit pain ? 
She answered : No.

Ok. I kept it to myself and did not tell the worker there.
Maybe it will be better after a couple of minutes.
Well it did. But just feeling a bit better. It still hurts when it touched water and my hand rub it.
So I went to the toilet, and found out that. Some of my eyelid skin peeled. 

Haihz .......... Lazy to complain about it. 

Ok ! Got home . And I need to change and head to work ! Damn ! I really don't know what to wear !
When I got there . I saw there's already 2boys there. I did not look at them straight (face-to-face).
Just walked pass them, so I could punch my card, and get to work.
At first , we did not talk. Not a single word. And they are like avoiding me, totally.
When I was at the counter, they were behind. When I was at the back arranging stuff, they were infront.

Both of them ! Totally together ! Walk together ! Arrange things together ! Rest together !

Is there glue sticking them together or tread tying them together?

Hmmm . . . . . . ~ There's no costumer. Too bored sitting at the counter doing nothing.

I checked my Wechat, and there's no one chatting. So I off it. 
I walked to the back, to the toys section. I took a toy that need patient.
I stood there for 5minutes ? Trying to complete it. And I did it ! Awesome thing !
Is much easier than solving a cubic. Until now, I still don't know how to solve the cubic.

In the end, we do talk. But not much ! And the day ends just like that.
I washed the machine . I wrote the report. We switched of the light. They locked the door.
And we saying goodbye to each other and headed our own way.

This is a picture of me , when I was so bored ! :D

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day Off !

My day off from work. I should be happy cause I could take a good rest . . . . . .

But ! ! !

After I had recharge all my energy from my sleep, it was only 4:00pm. And it was so bored.

I got nothing to do. But, if I was at work, I could walk around the shop and arrange things.

Clocks ticking slowly,
I walked to the kitchen, to see if I had any luck finding food / snack / fruits to eat.
I took out some black grapes, an ice-cream, and biscuit snacks that I bought yesterday at the shop.
I consume them slowly, one by one, bit by bit . . . . . .
By the time I finish all of them, it was just 4:20pm !

Arrghhhhh.............................. ~

I took out my phone, and play some games.

  • 神仙道 
  • Line Pop
  • Music Game
Finish playing all of them, it just pass another 20minutes ! Why can't it go any faster ?

Oh well, going to take my super early dinner ! And after that, have a good shower.
Then draw or should I say , copy and paste a picture onto a A4 size paper using pencil.

After finish drawing. Here I am, updating my blog.
I make a promised that I would update my blog to someone today, and I had kept my promise.

On my last post, I mention that I got a job after I picked up a phone calls.
I was so excited on my 1st day of work, that I was having hard time picking clothes to wear.


Thinking . . . . . . Wondering . . . . . .

If I wear this, will it be over fashion, that I came here not to work?
If I wear this, will it be out of fashion, and gave a bad impression on the 1st day of work?

Is a really harsh time for me, when it was my 1st job.

So I made up my mind, I randomly took a T-shirt that was on my table and had a shower.

'' Ring ,ring ............................. ''

I heard my phone rang once, and I open my wechat.
Saw that my dad sent me a voice message.
Saying that, we're leaving house for breakfast at 9am.

I was like ........ Errrr .......... Ok?
But hope that I won't be late for my work, or having stomachache.
Cause when you did not took breakfast for a long long period, and suddenly you take breakfast,
your stomach could not accept it, and then it will cause stomachache.
Well, that's only for me. But I don't know will others feel the same?

After finish taking my breakfast, my dad sent me to my working place.
When I stepped in the shops, I saw a familiar face. Face that I've seen before but not talked to yet.

He was my school mates . . . . . .

He greet me, and told me how to use the computer. How much money to put in, every morning.
Then later, the manager came in. She told me about the shops, how it work in here, and what to do.

* ~ I'm working part time job at the 100Yen Shop, around my area ~ *

Oh my ! The manager is so stingy.
That the Snow Ice's topping such as the nuts, chocolate rice, chocolate chips, and so on .....
She only allow us to put spoon of it for the customer. When she was telling me that, 

My mind was thinking ~~~~

WHAT ! Only one spoon, that's just too little ! 
When the customer ate a quarter, there won't be any toppings left. Cause is too little !

But the workers there did not actually follow as what she taught.
They all put at least 2-3spoons of the toppings, when she wasn't around, and so do I. :D

My 1st day of work, I worked from 10am - 6pm.
The thing that I forgot the most during work was putting back the ice after using it. @@

And punching card too ! When coming for work, having lunch break, and going back home.
When I got home, I took my dinner and straight head to bed and take some rest.
I was too exhausted, that I even slept for 3hours . . . . . .
And did not go for QiGong when my dad came to wake me up.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


心情好開心,就今天中午,我能跟姐姐在同一天 同一個時間 同一個地方弄頭髮
只要能跟我姐在一起,做甚麼 或者 甚麼都不做,就坐在那裡發呆也好,我都願意~


就 不知道該怎麼說,就回到以前16歲的髮型/樣子吧。哎呀!我上傳照片就行了,慢慢看。
可惜,我沒有我姐姐弄新髮型的相片~我也不會解釋 xD paiseh

回到家,才5点~ 就帮忙妈妈收拾整理公司的文件,水电费等等的东西。


要花好多时间在工作上了,之余游戏 午觉,我要慢慢的习惯 离它们远去。

Monday, March 18, 2013



One day, I went outdoor camping at one of the forest with some of my relatives.
When on the way to the forest, we had a bumpy ride. Since is a forest, there's hills and rocks.
Then suddenly, I knocked some thing extremely hard, which I don't know what is that, when the driver didn't saw a huge hole infront.
The impact make our butt separate from the seats from a second.
It was so painful, and I almost cried out, but still, I acted as if I'm fine and did not hitted anything hard.
As they asked me, after they heard a BANG sound. Cause I don't want them to worried so much.




After we reached the destination. One of my cousin brother pressed on my head.
He asked me am I alright, just to make sure.
Eventhough he did not touched the swollen part, I still can feel the pain.
I smile at him, and I answered : Yes, I alright.
He let go, and went to bring down all the things from the car with the help of others.
Some preparing the tent, some get water from the river. But I wasn't doing anything.
My head felt a bit dizzy, maybe is due to just know, I bang my head againts something.




My cousin sister, took a big and heavy bottle of water just to boil water for soups.
Then my uncle (the cousin siter's father) saw, and walked towards me.
He had a roll of paper on his hand, and he kept knocked on my head softly while saying:

Why are you just sitting here and do nothing?
Why you didn't help your cousin sister to carry that heavy bottle of water?
You are wearing sport shoes, and she is wearing heels.

And lots more questions...........

The way he knocked my head non-stop infront of others relative was super embrassing.
I can't hold up my tears anymore. Although it wasn't as pain as the bang at the head.
But I had lost my respect infront of everyone. What he hurt was inner and mentally.




I cried loudly, with lots of tears dripping out from both my eye. Snivel coming out from both my nostril.

I woke up, I found myself with tears, and my nostrils was block.


没人通知我有颁奖典礼啊,需要穿长裤还有包鞋。也没时间回家换了,因为从我家去回都需要30分钟,再加上换裤子 穿鞋的时间。



就 : 2B,1C,1C-

呵呵, 单算呢,C- 是不及格。



Sunday, March 17, 2013










Thursday, March 14, 2013

Guess what am I?

I look similar to each of my family members.
In the class, I'm counted as the tallest.
I only like two colours, and surely there's spots.
I don't need to climb ladder like others just to touch the leaf of a tree.

Guess what am I?

I slide, I swim.
I clap, I waddle.
I have flashingorange patches on each side of my head.
I love to wear shinning tux which looks like a tail behind.
I'm popular, I perform.
They laughed and claps their hands.

Guess what am I?

I got fur, I like to play ball.
I got a pair of innocent eyes.
I use to be hardworking, but not now.
I wonder around people's house during my free time.
But some of them don't welcome me.
I got at climbing,
From trees to roof,
From roof to fence.

Guess what am I?

I'm black and wearing a white outfit.
It torned, and making it looks like strips.
I love to be in group with them,
Cause they will not make jokes about me.
People draw my clothes on a busy road,
For safety purpose.

Guess what am I?
不要因为1件伤心事,而忘了99件开心事 。
但要因为1件开心事,而忘了99件伤心事 。

STPM 的成绩就快出来了,就在下个星期一 (18032013)宣布!

真的好害怕紧张呢!假的 :P
根本就不害怕紧张!也是假的 :P

也打算不继续读书,但是她  坚持要我继续读书
至少读出大学~ 因为某些事情 在这几个星期发生。

因为他,她 也哭了不少~
因为他,她 也受了不少~
因为他,她 也忍了不少~
因为他,她 后悔了少少~

每次她 跟我聊 ,我都很痛心 !虽然有时觉得她很烦 
真的没想到  他竟然是这种人 !

有一次,我们第一次学习 气功 ~
她 突然间 头晕,没力气 冒冷汗,还差点倒下去
他都没来安慰 却站到远远的,跟人说话 讲笑 ~
反倒而来,是那些陌生人 来看她 安慰她 摸摸她头部

我真的 是无话 可形容 或 讲他了!

她手上那着一瓶水,一把雨伞 但他却两手空空~ 也没有想要帮她拿 ~
丈夫的脚有点问题,走起来一拐一拐 。自然,妻子帮她 老公背 包包
这时 那个他主动走向那夫妇,问那妻子是否要帮忙背 包包。

对,帮别人 帮有困难的人是对的!
但是,要是那夫妇 当时不在场 ~
你(他)会不会帮她 拿水瓶 或是雨伞呢?


因为她 叫他帮忙拿,他都拒绝了~

说:自己不会拿咩 ?

Monday, March 11, 2013






竟然叫我摘叶子 == 有点为难我自己的本性呢!


是不是 黄色的小花?张得想太阳花的。


关了电话,才想到,我忘问他怎样摘。摘叶子罢了,还是一小串一小串 ?
也更没想要 打回去给他,因为那里有一个更吸引我的东西。也就是蝴蝶~

拍呀拍,还没摘到 就感觉有车在我后面停着 ~ 转后面一望 ,原来是爸爸
我就快点摘,然后上车回家 !!我手上 那着那把小雨伞 似乎没用到。

对了,在某天 我在屋顶想找感觉唱 [屋顶]的歌 ~
突然天上 落下来 一粒粒的水珠 ~ 要下雨了 . . .
当时我也没想到  会被我看到,一道 很久 没看到的家伙了~ 我也微笑了. . . . . .

Friday, March 8, 2013

(っˆヮˆ)っ 38 ๑◕ ₃ ◕๑)

今天就是所谓的 [妇女节快乐]
英文是 Happy International Women's Day

也被称为 38节


[Happy International Women's Day]


