Sunday, July 19, 2009

What have I done!

It was about 一个月前.
that he asked me whether his hair nice a not.
then i said not nice, then he said that i'm 坏.
i was not happy that he said i 坏.
so he said that he 疼我,亲我。
n thats how the things happen..

this morning bout 10:45am...
i done something terrible..
If can go back to time,
i'll make sure tat i wouldn't do it..
but cant!~

well, this pic on the right hand-side was my ex.男友.
(not chris)
yup, tats what happens today..
we broke up bout almost 一年, and i still 爱 him,
after we had 亲吻,

At 1st, i was jealous 因为他不是我的。
2nd, i angry coz 他有女友了.
3rd, i sad because他没告诉我他有女友.
4th, i felt guilty coz i 吻他.
I felt like those people in the movie which acts like
kiss their ex.男友 n worse is tat 他已经有女友了!

he's a nice, honest n caring person..
and js now bout 7pm, my mind was 一直想要那女孩跟他分手。
in the end, 那女孩跟他分手..

I keep thinking bout tat thing on the way back home..
and i only know tat, 如果我爱他, i should let him go..
I shouldnt had done that (吻)..
I will hurt myself when he sad.
It will not make me feel better, happy or think that 他会是我的..
Hope that they will together~

*after u read this. maybe some of u thinks tat i'm a bitch or anything. Maybe is that guy fault because he didn tell me. I dont care.* Hope u all enjoy reading it*


1 comment:

lin29 said...

yea... dun be a bitch k? u have childish thinking.. think wisely next time