Wednesday, July 29, 2009

twisted again

lol.. today i twisted my ankle again.
but this time was right..
i was walking down from the tuition centre while sms-ing,
n thn i pokai... >.<
so gam..
the last time i twisted my ankle also on wednesday.. XD


Sunday, July 26, 2009

After having fun

weee, after ridding horse..
i went to kota permai club for swimming..
thn we ate at there.. :)
we ate korean, so nice.. and so long never eat ady!~

Having fun

wow, today i enjoy my day..
my dad took me n my sis to horse riding..
is damn cool, i nvr really ride a horse before!

there's few pics of my dad, me n my sis... ^^
n we are going to learn how to learn at the following sunday..
RM40 per half hour, not cheap rite!
haha, i know ^^


Saturday, July 25, 2009


yeah. today eat domino pizza again..
i n my elder bro order one large chicken pepperoni n one large aloha chicken
we each eat one piece of aloha chicken n pepperoni..
thn my bro wan to eat another piece but dunno which flavours..
so we play rock ,paper, scissors..
who win eat the pepperoni chicken n lose eat the aloha chicken.
so my bro won :) haha


#1 Paul Low - Crushbot's Best Prediction!
#2 Zhe Shyi Choon - Highly likely to have a crush on you
#3 Kai Weng - Highly likely to have a crush on you
#4 Carlson Chee Khai Lun - Good chance to have a crush on you
#5 Dave Patterson - Medium chance to have a crush on you


Paul LowPaul - Future Marriage Bliss!

Darren Lim Liang GiawDarren - 2nd choice
Andy SoAndy - 3rd choice
Wong Jian HaoWong - Would run at the altar!
Ikhwan KthxbaiIkhwan - Would end in divorce!

#1 Paul Low - Crushbot's Best Prediction!
#2 Kevin Chong - Highly likely to have a crush on you
#3 Yap Jien Sheng - Highly likely to have a crush on you
#4 Weiqin Kwee - Good chance to have a crush on you
#5 Wilson Yap Czi - Medium chance to have a crush on you

#1 Paul Low - Crushbot's Best Prediction!
#2 Darren Mok - Highly likely to have a crush on you
#3 Aaron Yap - Highly likely to have a crush on you
#4 Kelvin Lee - Good chance to have a crush on you
#5 Bonnieface BugsbUnny - Medium chance to have a crush on you

y everytime Paul Low is the 1st de?!!!



Erm.. i got nothing to write about..
WILSON asked me to update my blog, so i just update it,
js, i started to read TRUE Singapore GHOST STORIES (TSGS 19)
n now reading (TGSS 18)

i twisted my left ankle while coming down from the stairs at school. >.<
after tat, io went to watch Harry Potter with my old friends,
n it turn out just like my friends said it would be (boring)...

i suppose to wake up at 5pm to watch (PUCCA)..
but i over slept. n i woke up at 7pm... luckily my tution starts at 8pm, if not i'm so dead~ thats all, dunno wad to write.. >>>>>


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ACE having a small party

Cup Cakes

the cake make by my 2nd bro n his gf..
I, my younger bro n maid do the decoration... :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

she forgives him~

i just receive his msg,
saying that the girl forgives him..
now i felt so relax.
N what happens between us,
well, we back to normal pet sis n bro..
now i feel so happy!!


What have I done!

It was about 一个月前.
that he asked me whether his hair nice a not.
then i said not nice, then he said that i'm 坏.
i was not happy that he said i 坏.
so he said that he 疼我,亲我。
n thats how the things happen..

this morning bout 10:45am...
i done something terrible..
If can go back to time,
i'll make sure tat i wouldn't do it..
but cant!~

well, this pic on the right hand-side was my ex.男友.
(not chris)
yup, tats what happens today..
we broke up bout almost 一年, and i still 爱 him,
after we had 亲吻,

At 1st, i was jealous 因为他不是我的。
2nd, i angry coz 他有女友了.
3rd, i sad because他没告诉我他有女友.
4th, i felt guilty coz i 吻他.
I felt like those people in the movie which acts like
kiss their ex.男友 n worse is tat 他已经有女友了!

he's a nice, honest n caring person..
and js now bout 7pm, my mind was 一直想要那女孩跟他分手。
in the end, 那女孩跟他分手..

I keep thinking bout tat thing on the way back home..
and i only know tat, 如果我爱他, i should let him go..
I shouldnt had done that (吻)..
I will hurt myself when he sad.
It will not make me feel better, happy or think that 他会是我的..
Hope that they will together~

*after u read this. maybe some of u thinks tat i'm a bitch or anything. Maybe is that guy fault because he didn tell me. I dont care.* Hope u all enjoy reading it*
