Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Covid-19 Pandemic / MCO

     Year 2020 have been a harsh year for everyone around the world. The outbreak of covid-19 pandemic from China since Dec 2019 and early of the year was out of control and it have been spreading towards every countries / cities around the world. Citizen were getting sick, worried, unable to survive. The countries economic is getting worse day by day due to the business forced to stop operating and prevent the spread of the virus. Tons of business were shut down and went into bankruptcy and the number of unemployed rose.

    This is a very serious matter, whether people are taking serious towards it? Or just blaming one and another of whose the cause or from where it from. Stop stereotype !! 

    I heard few customers from different race in my office (banking line). He was stereotyping and was rude to the Chinese. Saying that we are the cause of this and we all shouldn't be working at all. The customer was looking for trouble and we all sensed it. And before he leave, we greet him with a pleasant smile but end up receiving a bad attitude back from this impolite customer. 

    What I'm here to say was that, this may be the act of the selfish people who causes it intentionally or not. But this doesn't gives anyone rights to group them up to stereotype nor is your anger or dissatisfying.

    Anyway, I hope that everyone follow the new SOP, new norm. 

1. Stay at least 1m distance apart from each one

2. Frequently wash your hand with soap (20sec rules) and sanitized 

3. Stay away or avoid going to crowded places / event 

4. Make sure to shower immediately once you are home

5. Make sure to put on face mask properly

6. Visit the clinic if you are feeling uncomfortable 

Take Care      Stay Safe

Sunday, July 5, 2020

First post after 3 years

Is been awhile, 3 years or 4.. I’m wondering if there’s anyone still out there reading it or using blog?
Anyway.. I have graduated from Taylor’s University in 2017 and managed to make a few true friends. 
And also, I have started my next chapter with a financial institution (Hong Leong Bank) as a Personal Financial Consultant (PFC). 

So what does a PFC do? In a simple way of explaining
- We are a legal,no to mentioned licensed “Ah Long”, that lend you money to purchase the luxury items that you want and you have to pay it back to us for a period of time in a full amount + interest.

Yeah.. I do loans.. In most of it.. Car, House, Personal Loan and not to mentioned credit cards too,..MRTA, ASNB (which I also have to do once I got the license for it). Multiple products... ! Oh my gosh ~~~ *internal screams* Like how am I going to focus everything.. Is like mixing everything into one and fit it into my one brain! But I managed to survived for 2years, but not meaning that I hit my target for every month or I’m one of the top 10 sales national wide or I got an award. That is kind of sad, for not achieving anything in that period.

Oh my... I felt like a failure 😭

Anyway, in the recent month.. The organization decided to remove PFC and all those employee that in this position forced to switch to direct sales team or resign. And by transferring to direct sales, we can no longer staying at our current branches.That means a farewell to my colleague, my managers.., and have to start at a new place with unfamiliar team, leader and manager. But I will work my very best and hope that I able to achieve a better result with my new colleagues.