Well, I wanna tell her that whether she could help me.
In ways like, something related to model those kind.
But I'm really scare, I don't have confident.
I scare her answer will hurt me or even worse.
I really wanted to tell her, but dunno where to start
or even how to start. Damn mouth!
Such a simple thing and I can't even do it.
I've been thinking it for more than 9months,
and I still can't take out the courage to tell her.
and I still can't take out the courage to tell her.
*how much I hope that she got my blog and can see what I wanna tell her, although I din gave mine >< and is nt even detail.*
*how much I hope that she got my blog and can see what I wanna tell her, although I din gave mine >< and is nt even detail.*